is online

welcome once again to the court of the crimson crab.

when i was in the fifth grade i learned some basic html, in part due to neopets and in part due to my frequent google excursions. my family got high-speed internet the summer after i turned 10, and so began my online journey. i would google all kinds of things and find all kinds of personal webpages, forum discussions, whatever the grand buffet the internet of the mid-2000s had to offer. i came of age online. i was fascinated with all kinds of retro media, particularly vintage fashions and 80s nickelodeon. i created a personal page hosted on where i mostly shared some info about me and some little comics and drawings i made.

html has changed a lot since then. i forget the things i learn right away, there are so many basic things i have trouble with. like what is div even? how do i use the style.css thing? i'm learning! i guess i made this site just to do my part to honor the old days of the internet. anyone could throw down some extremely simple code to make a little home for themselves online. i think it's interesting that i experienced some imposter syndrome when i started to build this site. a mean little coding man in my head turns up his nose, "this little oddball knows nothing! how dare they create a website so unseriously, how dare they not use more complex code?" but who actually gives a fuck? not i, the Crimson Crab. besides, people did this all the time back before we entered this horrifying post-internet era and didn't give a fuck either. of course i would love to learn more! but with my adhd, writing, neopets, job, going out drinking with friends, and housework to keep up with it can be hard to make time.

that's all for now...if u want to know more about me just browse :) theres not much here yet but hopefully i'll add more soon. as of january 2025 i am updating now and again.


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